Its all in your mind

We enter this world vulnerable, clothe less and unknowing. Later in life it is wrong to be in this state. But why? There are places its okay to be naked: In the comfort of your bedroom, behind closed doors, on a nudist beach and in a tanning shop for example. Most of us have seen both a naked male and female. But to see a naked being in the supermarket, on the train, walking to the corner shop, it is wrong. What happens when you defy the laws of societies views on what is right and wrong. You take the normality of being naked to a unnatural setting, and what is the result? That is what we will find out.

It is all in our mind, the act of being naked is not actually a wrong one but we see it as wrong because someone once said it is.

What makes us feel vulnerable? Is it showing all our flaws? What makes us feel physically vulnerable and mentally vulnerable? is their a difference? Everything that we try to hide, that we usually  mask is there for the everyone to see, to remove these layers of masks, how does it make us feel? We wanted to no what makes us feel most vulnerable, it took a while for us to conclude what it was that made us feel most vulnerable. It’s the truth, the truth makes us feel at our most vulnerable. Whether it is the truth of how we look, the truth of what we’ve done wrong, the truth about our lives etc.

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