Initial Thoughts

Our initial thought when we began the creative process was based mainly on a space. When we first met as a group to begin brainstorming ideas for a performance, I stated my high interest in performing in a newly built space on campus that I felt would be a fantastic place to explore individuality. The space I am referring to is a glass corridor, built to link the ‘Fine Art’ and ‘Architecture’ buildings within the University Grounds.

blog - corridor fig. 1

Due to the corridor being made up of individual glass panes, I had an image in my head of a small group of people occupying the space, with one person standing in each ‘slot’. I felt that this mixture of group and self suited a performance based on individuality within a group, and this is where the idea of vulnerability sprouted.

We realised when talking as a group that many of us suffered from the same insecurities and vulnerabilities, despite representing a variety of different sizes, classes and backgrounds. We decided that we would like to explore the notion of vulnerability as it was relatable to by the entire group and, for the performance, a wider audience.

Fig. 1 – Lincoln School of Art and Design