Olivia Milne
My name is Olivia milne. I am 20 years old,
and this experience has taught me how strong
people are under their exterior surface. I feel
privileged to have witnessed this innate strength.
Gabrielle Evans
My Name is Gabrielle Evans. I am 20 years old and
this whole process has taught me that when we breakdown
and expose our own personal vulnerabilites It will only make us stronger.
Chloe Pitts
My name is Chloe Pitts. I am 20 years old
and this process and final performance has
shown me that people don’t judge me because
of my eating disorder, it is a small part of me
that doesn’t make me who I am.
Lauren Olerenshaw
My name is Lauren Olerenshaw. I am 20 years
old and this process and final performance has shown
me your past doesn’t have to define your present and
Tiffany Thompson
My name is Tiffany Thompson I am 20 years old
and during this process and performance, I’ve found
it easier to share my feelings about how I hate my body.
Rebecca Baines
My name is Rebecca Baines,
I am 21 years old and this process
and final performance has shown me
that it’s ok to be honest about who
you are, and you don’t have to create
a character for the gratification of others